Marta del Grandi

Performance Details

Jun 21 2024 to Jun 22 2024

Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy
Friday, June 21
Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy Friday, June 21

Reserve your spot @ The Wanch
Saturday, June 22
Reserve your spot @ The Wanch Saturday, June 22

Marta Del Grandi is a Milanese singer-songwriter. A musician with a jazz background, she studied at the G. Verdi Conservatory in Milan and at the Royal Conservatory of Ghent in Belgium. Driven by a strong passion for travel and discovering different places and cultures, she later moved first to China for a short period and then to Nepal, where she stayed for two and a half years in Kathmandu. Living in such a different place and getting to know it deeply greatly influenced her perspective on the world and her music.

Marta Del Grandi 是來自義大利米蘭的創作歌手。她是一位具有爵士樂背景的音樂家,曾就讀於米蘭威爾第音樂學院和比利時根特皇家音樂學院。出於對旅行和探索不同地方和文化的強烈熱情,她先是短暫移居中國,然後又移居尼泊爾,並在加德滿都待了兩年半。生活並深入了解如此不同的地方,極大地影響了她對世界的看法以及她的創作。

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安哲逸 Andy Schaub


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