HoTS (Harmony of the Spheres) 天體和音

Performance Details

Jun 21 2024 to Jun 22 2024
The Fringe Club, Fringe Dairy; The Wanch

Reserve your spot @ The Wanch
Friday, June 21
Reserve your spot @ The Wanch Friday, June 21

Reserve your spot @ The Fringe Club Dairy
Saturday, June 22
Reserve your spot @ The Fringe Club Dairy Saturday, June 22

The HoTS quintet
from the very beginning has been developing its own sound, drawing on the European tradition of modern jazz and searching for the new voice of jazz music in Poland. This band is the fruit of artistic friendship and common musical imagination of five musicians who come form different music backgrounds - jazz, classic, improv. This influences meet and intertwine in different ways in their music. 

The title of their first album: "Harmony of the Spheres” (V Records 2015) refers, just as its acronym in the name of the band, to the Pythagorean harmony of celestial bodies. Harmony is the key to describing this album which focuses on melody and sound.

Each song - full of changing rhythms, lyrical themes and unique harmony - tells stories of small, simple things – their birthplaces, juvenile fascination with some TV series, music inspirations and love. In the second album "Numbers” (Multiculti Project 2016) songs have a much more open form, there is more improvisation, compositions are more complex. It is a concept album with elaborate melodies and executive discipline developed over many years of common rehearsals and concerts.

Both albums consist of original compositions by the band leader - Mikołaj Poncyljusz. Their unique style has been noticed by music critics and is appreciated by international audience - they played already more than 100 concerts in Poland and abroad. 

他們的第一張專輯《Harmony of the Spheres》(V Records 2015),正如其樂隊名稱的縮寫,到天體的畢達哥拉斯和諧。和諧是描述這張專輯的關鍵,它專注於旋律和聲音。 每首歌曲都充滿了變化的節奏、抒情的主題和獨特的和聲,講述了一些小而簡單的事情的故事——他們的出生地、 少年時期迷戀一些電視劇、音樂的靈感和愛情。在第二張專輯《Numbers》(Multiculti Project 2016)中,歌曲的形式更加開放,即興創作更多,作品也更加複雜。曲目名稱為數字符號,歌曲之間有一些在錄音期間即興創作的插曲。這是一張概念專輯,經過多年的共同排練和音樂會,精心製作的旋律得到了發展。 兩張專輯皆包含樂團隊長 Mikołaj Poncyljusz 的原創作品。他們獨特的風格受到了評論家的好評以及國際觀眾的讚賞 - 他們已經在波蘭和國外舉辦了 100 多場音樂會。HoTS 五重奏的原創音樂充滿活力,富有表現力,充滿情感,能夠營造出偉大的戲劇性的氣氛和令人難忘舞台。

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Mikołaj Poncyljusz (Guitar)

Mikołaj Poncyliusz, guitarist, composer, audio engineer and music producer – the leader of the Warsaw based "HoTS” band. A graduate of the State Music School of the second degree of F. Chopin in Warsaw at the Faculty of Jazz and a graduate of the Academy of Music Karol Szymanowski in Katowice in the department of jazz and stage music. Currently associated with the HoTS, Light Star Guiding, Warsaw Improvisators Orchestra and Opera Na Zamku in Szczecin. Co-owner of  WerMik studio based Warsaw Poland.

米科瓦伊.龐西利烏斯,結他手、作曲家、音樂製作人,同時也是HoTS五重奏的隊長。米科瓦伊畢業於卡托維茲卡羅爾.席曼諾夫斯基音樂學院爵士樂系和華沙弗雷德里克.肖邦音樂學校爵士系,曾與Light Star Guiding樂隊,華沙即興樂團以及甚切青城堡歌劇院合作。至今,他已發行了8張唱片,同時是華沙Wernik Studio錄音室的所有者。

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Tymon Trąbczyński (Double bass)

Started his musical education at the Fryderyk Chopin Association of Music Schools in Warsaw, reading jazz double bass. Initially, he was taught by one of the most acclaimed double bass players in Poland, the late Zbigniew Wegehaupt. During his time at the Fryderyk Chopin Music School, Tymon performed with Zbigniew Namysłowski Super Band on many international festivals such as the Dusseldorf Jazz Rally 2013 and 2014. 

Tymon is also a recipient of many domestic and international awards such as: Grand Prix Jazz nad Odrą 2018 (Poland), International getxo Jazz (Spain), 1 Prize Blue Note Competition 2017, “Fryderyk 2016” – award for the “Best Jazz Debut of the Year”, Polish Society of the Phonographic Industry. ​Since 2013 Tymon performed with numerous bands at a significant number of domestic and international festivals such as  Ankara International Jazz Festival and X-jazz Berlil.

泰蒙·特龍布欽斯基-波蘭低音提琴演奏家。他畢業於波蘭弗雷德里克·蕭邦音樂學校,曾在波蘭低音提琴殿堂級人物Zbigniew Wegehaupt指導下學琴。 2013年和2014年,泰蒙與波蘭傳奇薩克斯風手Zbigniew Namysłowski率領的Bednarska Super Band樂團一起,兩次參加了德國杜塞爾多夫爵士音樂節。泰蒙多次榮獲全國和國際比賽的獎項,包括與Aga Derlak三重奏、Szymon Klekowicki 六重奏、Kuba Banaszek四重奏等樂隊合作獲得的獎項,以及個人獨奏的榮譽。同時,他的身影活躍在波蘭國內外各大知名音樂節上,如在德國、土耳其、西班牙等地舉辦的國際音樂節。目前,泰蒙正在巴塞爾爵士音樂學院繼續深造,師從Larry Grenadier、Jorge Rossy和Aidin Esen等世界級音樂家。

Wojciech Jachna (Trumpet)

Trumpeter and improviser. Graduate of Jazz and Popular Music at Feliks Nowowiejski Academy of Music in Bydgoszcz. He has recorded over 40 albums with various performers including Contemporary Noise Sextet, Sing Sing Penelope, Mordy and reege band Dubska. He has received several scholarships from the city of Bydgoszcz, and was awarded in 2015 by the Mayor of Bydgoszcz for promoting the musical culture of Bydgoszcz. He has collaborated with many artists, including the legend of the Polish improvised scene, Andrzej Przybielski, as well as Grant C. Weston, DJ STrangefruit, Irek Wojtczak, the Oleś Brothers, Dominik Strycharski, Marek Kądziela, Grzegorz Nadolny, Tomasz Glazik, etc.

沃伊切赫·雅赫納-小號手、即興演奏者。他畢業於比得哥什的費利克斯·諾沃維耶斯基音樂學院爵士與流行音樂系。沃伊切赫與多位藝術家合作錄製了超過40張專輯,其中包括波蘭最著名的自由爵士樂隊之一 ——當代噪音六重奏(Contemporary Noise Sextet)。他曾多次獲得比得哥什市獎學金,並於2015年因在國際上推廣波蘭文化而受到比得哥什市長的表彰。沃伊切赫與許多藝術家有合作,包括波蘭即興音樂界的傳奇人物Andrzej Przybielski、美國鼓手Grant Calvin Weston以及挪威電子音樂界傳奇DJ Strangefruit。目前,他正在組建許多有趣的新陣容,例如日晷三重奏(Sundial Trio)和沃伊切赫·雅赫納小分隊(Wojciech Jachna Squad)等。 2018年,沃伊切赫也推出了兩張自己的小號獨奏專輯《流溢說(Emanacje)》和《構想(Conception)》。

Jakub Łępa (Tenor saxophone)

Jakub Łępa - Polish tenor, alto, soprano saxophonist.  He graduated from the Academy of Music in Katowice in 2017.  Winner of the Competitions: Jazz nad Odrą, Bielska Zadymka Jazzowa, B-jazz Festival, etc. In 2019, together with Adam Jarzmik Quintet, he recorded an album with the American jazz guitarist Mike Moreno. As a sideman, he recorded about 10 albums. He performed at many festivals in Europe, such as Festival Jazz Bez(Ukraine) and Kaunas Jazz Festival(Lithuania).  He actively participates in projects on the Polish music scene. Currently Academic teacher at the Music Academy in Lublin.

雅各·萊帕-波蘭次中音薩克斯風、高音薩克斯風演奏家。他畢業於卡托維茲爵士音樂系,曾斬獲奧得拉爵士音樂節(Jazz nad Odrą)、蓋特克索爵士音樂節(Getxo Jazz Festiwal)、伯格豪森爵士音樂節(Burghausen Jazz Festiwal)等許多爵士比賽的獎項。雅各同時是Adam Jarzmik五重奏、超極簡主義樂團(Superminimalism)、ŁępaJarzmik Duo樂團的成員,曾與Maciej Sikała、Ewa Bem、Jan Ptaszyn Wróblewski、Mike Moreno、Grzech Piotrowski等許多知名音樂家同台演出。他積極投入波蘭音樂項目,並在盧布林藝術學院擔任教職。

Maksymilian Olszewski (Drums)

Winner of the 1st prize in the Mapex Drummer of Tommorrow competition in Opole, 2nd place at the Jazz Juniors festival, as well as Grand Prix Jazz Juniors and Krokus Jazz Festival. With the band Kuba Banaszek Quartet he won the Grand Prix of the 21st National Review of Jazz and Blues Bands in Gdynia, and was awarded the prize for the best instrumentalist of this competition. Also with the same quartet he won the Grand Prix at the prestigious Jazz Nad Odrą festival in 2019. He gives concerts in Poland and many European countries, and also in China - Jazz in Polish (Nine Gates Festival) concert tour. He has experience in playing classical music, which he met while working for many years with the Pomeranian Philharmonic in Bydgoszcz as a teenager.

馬克西米連·奧爾舍夫斯基 - 曾獲明日鼓手大獎賽(Mapex Drummer of Tomorrow)一等獎、爵士新星音樂節大獎(Jazz Juniors)以及秋水仙爵士音樂節(Krokus Jazz Festival)大獎。他與Kuba Banaszek四重奏一同斬獲了在波蘭格丁尼亞舉辦的第二十一屆全國爵士和布魯斯樂隊大賽的最高獎項,並被授予最佳樂器演奏家稱號。該四重奏還在2019年的奧德拉爵士音樂節上獲得大獎。馬克西米連在波蘭及歐洲多個國家進行巡迴演出,2016年更是來到中國,在北京九門國際爵士音樂節上與斯坦尼斯瓦夫·斯洛文斯基五重奏合作演出。值得一提的是,這位鼓手曾在比得哥什的波美拉尼亞愛樂樂團工作過多年,累積了豐富的古典音樂演奏經驗。

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