happy little cat

Performance Details

Jun 17 2023
The Fringe Club, Fringe Underground

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happy little cat

Bedroom pop duo/Cat memes lover

happy little cat is the story of two ordinary youths living in different cities, but at the same time share the joy of Internet meme culture.

The two find their footing between relaxed emotions and gibberish cusswords in their remote songwriting sessions, setting their dance beats to instant moods and singing pain and gain of their growth.

happy little cat來自兩個身處異地的「普通青年」,泡在網絡,線上寫歌,用音樂在現實間尋找落腳點。

總是「喵言喵語」,看著沒有「正形」,happy little cat 卻認真覺得「希望」沒有邏輯,也不需要形狀。他們什麼都想試試:擁抱互聯網,擁抱流行歌,擁抱改變,擁抱靈修,擁抱過去,擁抱黑暗, 擁抱愛人,擁抱假想敵,擁抱人間煙火氣⋯⋯更重要的是,他們想首先擁抱彼此,擁抱自己。

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