Andy Schaub

Performance Details

Jun 16 2023 to Jun 17 2023
The Wanch ; The Fringe Club, Fringe Dairy

Reserve your spot @ The Wanch
Friday 16th
Reserve your spot @ The Wanch Friday 16th

Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy
Saturday 17th
Reserve your spot @The Fringe Club Dairy Saturday 17th

Andy Schaub, Swiss pop singer-songwriter based in Hong Kong. After listening to Chinese-Pop music, he is determined to start over and make music in Asia. He relied on his musical instinct to make a unique blend of digital and organic sounds while writing Chinese-Pop music with a Western accent. Andy published the first Chinese songs -《痕跡》(Marks) on various digital platforms in 2019. There are ten songs being published by 2023. Besides, he also composed songs and collaborated with other artists, TV dramas, shows, and microfilm in Hong Kong. After six years in Hong Kong, Andy is devoted to contributing, creating, establishing, and trying different approaches to making Aisa pop music and cannot wait to see what will be blossomed.

安哲逸 Andy Schaub, 來自瑞士的華語流行音樂創作歌手。在聽過第一首中文歌後,對中文歌的熱愛驅使他在音樂的旅程上重新出發,他決心將做音樂的重心轉移到亞洲。憑藉對音樂的直覺, 他擅長將虛擬的電子聲音和現實生活中真實的聲音進行柔合。再加上他那撇不掉的西方音樂背景, 在他的華語音樂創作中總帶留有幾分獨特的風格。 他的第一首華語歌曲《痕跡》於2019年在多個音樂 數碼平台上發佈,直至2023年陸續發佈歌曲共十 首。除此之外, 他亦與多位歌手以及音樂人合作, 曾為電視劇、電視節目以及微電影攢寫主題曲。來香港六年後, 安哲逸會將重心放於音樂創作和歌唱事業上, 亦會以開放的態度去開創和嘗試不同的方式來製作華語流行音樂。

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安哲逸 Andy Schaub

安哲逸 Andy Schaub

安哲逸 Andy Schaub


With the participation of

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