The Hertz

Performance Details

Jun 19 2022
<0 to <0
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

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The Hertz has been making huge waves in the Hong Kong music scene. As one of the up and coming bands that have been invited to play in front of thousands of audiences, they have infused Funk, Rock, and Alternatives elements into their Cantonese-written tunes that echo the voice of the Hong Kong youth today. Formed in 2018, The Hertz is now working on their next album after the successful “THE HERTZ”.

本地獨立樂團The Hertz以廣東話創作為核心,多變的曲⾵元素混合例如Funk、Rock、 Alternatives等,兩者結合成為代表樂團的⼀種獨特頻率。加上樂團作品寫實、風格鮮明,近 年來⼀直引起不少本地年輕人迴響及共鳴。The Hertz成軍近四年,⼀直積極參與不同大小的演出,而繼2020年推出首張同名EP《THE HERTZ》後,樂團亦正籌備第⼀張樂團大碟專輯。

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