Lucid Express

Performance Details

Jun 19 2022
<0 to <0
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

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Lucid Express is the name of five young dreamers creating a stunning airy blend of shoegaze and indie pop amongst the skyscrapers, mountains, and packed alleyways of Hong Kong.

The name itself is a modest mission statement of the band’s intent. Lucid in the poetic sense of something bright and radiant. The Lucid Express operates as a service to take the listener on a journey through the band’s colour-soaked sounds.

Lucid Express

Lucid Express 由五位愛發夢的年輕人組成,在摩天大廈、群山窄巷之間創造出動人輕盈的瞪鞋搖滾(shoegaze)和獨立流行風格的音樂。

Lucid Express 之名恰好展示了樂隊組成的目的與使命,「Lucid」是詩意的明亮,Lucid Express 「光明號」開航,帶領觀眾前往樂隊創作富色彩的音樂旅途。

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