KaJeng Wong 黃家正

Performance Details

Jun 19 2022
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The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

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Praised for his originality and exceptional musicianship, KaJeng was the winner at the Alaska International Piano E-Competition 2018, and was recently awarded Third Prize at the Maria Canals International Piano Competition 2019. He received a commendation by the Hong Kong government and has been selected to represent Hong Kong on multiple international platforms, performing at Esplanade in Singapore, Shanghai Concert Hall, Palau de la Musica Catalana, and Cremona Musica. The featured documentary about his growth, “KJ: Music & Life”, was awarded Best Documentary at the Golden Horse Awards.

Besides his activities as a performer, he is involved in collaborative projects involving modern dance and theatres. Recently serving as Artist-in-residence at Zuni Icosahedron, they forged an ongoing relationship experimenting with various productions crossing classical music. In 2020, KaJeng’s debut CD, “Seasons of Life” was released under the Ginger Muse label with critical acclaim. At Music Lab, he built a creative hub where he can attempt concerts of unconventional forms and ideas. Over the years, he has already presented solo programmes exploring themes such as “Seasons of Life”, “Tribute to Death”, “Fast & Difficult*, “God or No God”; chamber programmes such as “Freedom of Shadows”, “Beloved Clara”, “So French”. As a creative force, Music Lab has grown its own festival, celebrating artists with creative thoughts and promoting the cultural talents of Hong Kong.

After studies with Nancy Loo and Gabriel Kwok in Hong Kong, KaJeng furthers his training under Prof. Emile Naoumoff at Indiana University. Under the guidance of Prof. Ronan O’Hora with a full scholarship, he graduated as an Artistic Diploma candidate at Guildhall School of Music & Drama, where he is now a Junior Fellow. With Prof. Julia Mustonen-Dahlkvist, KaJeng now serves as Artist in Residence at the Ingesund Piano Center. KaJeng is also on the roster of Talented Unlimited in the UK.

KJ黃家正的音樂事業涉獵廣泛,除了作頻密的個人演出以外,更擔任Music Lab每年舉辦的「本地薑音樂節」藝術總監,策劃連串新穎跳脫的演出節目。他亦組織多個海外巡演,筆耕不輟為媒體供稿,並主持個人音樂節目。透過音樂連結群眾,是家正抱持至今的信念,亦是他持續為觀眾帶來驚喜想法與計劃的原動力。

2009年,家正的音樂才華在金馬獎得獎紀錄片《音樂人生》的鏡頭下嶄露頭角。得益於羅乃新及郭嘉特兩位良師的鋼琴訓練,家正其後負笈美國印地安那大學,師從Emile Naoumoff教授四年,並於各大型音樂節中亮相,包括德州鋼琴音樂節及韋比爾音樂學院音樂節,亦曾得到多位大師指導,包括Menahem Pressler、 Yoheved Kaplinsky、Claude Frank、John O’Conor等。此外,家正以最年輕紀錄兩次勝出美國印地安那大學協奏曲比賽,並躋身多個大型音樂比賽,包括美國Gina Bachauer國際鋼琴大賽、西班牙Ferrol國際鋼琴比賽、香港國際鋼琴公開賽等。他亦於美國洛杉磯國際鋼琴大賽獲特別獎嘉許,於紐約青年演奏藝術家遴選躋身最後階段。2018年,他在阿拉斯加E國際鋼琴比賽中獲選為總冠軍及最佳室內樂演出。

Music Lab是家正推動的創意協作平台,亦是實現各種主流以外的想法,打破音樂會既定形式的試驗場。過去幾年,他主辦了多場獨奏音樂會,探索不同主題,例如《人生如戲》、《死亡奏鳴》、《指魔俠-火拼時速》、《指魔俠-神唔神?》;室樂會《陰霾中的自由》、《琴戀克拉拉》、《好法國》。2017年,家正與色士風手孫穎麟、世界冠軍口琴手何卓彥組成三重奏組合,呈獻演出《SMASH》。Music Lab作為本地創意力量,積極推動自家音樂節,擁抱創意無限的藝術家,並推動香港發展本地文化人才。隨着「本地薑音樂節」邁向第三屆,Music Lab與家正將繼續發展原創節目,並進軍巡演臺灣、澳門、馬來西亞及中國的多個城市。

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