Hey Joe Trio

Performance Details

Jun 19 2022
<0 to <0
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District

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Hey Joe Trio (HJT), a blues rock/funk band of a group of post-90s. Through improvisation, members exert their expertise while collaborating to balance as a band. Throughout the years, HJT has collaborated with different artists, including Danny Summer, Mr., William So, Regen C., Wallis Cho, Elanne Kong. Hey Joe Trio is a band of Kontrol Limited - an indie music label founded by Gary Tong, C.Y. Kong and Dennie, Wong. 

Their first plugged song achieved the “2017 Young Artists award” in the Youth Arts Festival organised by Hong Kong Playground Association. Other songs also ranked on various music charts, including RTHK Chinese Pop Chart.

Hey Joe Trio

Hey Joe Trio 是一隊藍調搖滾、Funk 風格的90後樂隊。透過即興演奏等元素,給予成員空間發揮之餘,同時互相配合,務求做到樂隊中平衡的體系。這些年來一直與不同藝人單位合作,包括夏韶聲、Mr. 樂隊、蘇永康、張惠雅、曹震豪、江若琳等,並以製作多線發展,Hey Joe Trio為Gary Tong、C.Y. Kong 、黃丹儀三位著名監製的獨立音樂廠牌公司Kontrol Limited旗下樂隊。

2017年推出首隻派台歌曲〈喜歌〉後,獲香港遊樂場協會頒發青藝節樂隊組合《青少年藝術家》名銜,2020年首度包辦曲詞編監推出〈青春印記〉、今年3月推出香港電台十大歌曲龍虎榜、新城勁爆流行榜上榜歌曲〈潛意識告白〉最新歌曲〈最耀眼〉與Mr. 樂隊的Bass手DASH 合作,多個音樂排行榜上榜。

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