Drew Cappotto

Performance Details

Jun 13 2021
<0 to <0
The Box, Freespace, Art Park, West Kowloon Cultural District


Drew Cappotto is a Hong Kong-based electronic musician, producer, and composer. His breath of work spans several genres, from experimental/ambient/noise, to cinematic soundscapes, delicate piano arrangements, and dance floor ready quasi-techno - sometimes within the same piece. Often incorporating dark cinematic textures, evolving melodies, and wait-for-it emotional payoffs, Drew’s late-night sets have made him a staple in Hong Kong’s nascent underground music scene.

He would also like to take this opportunity to introduce ALN (Allan Ho), who is a visual artist whose works are highly informed by his experience as a DJ. ALN's generative live visuals deconstruct beats and frequencies, rebuilding them with an apparition of lines and evolving patterns. Off Limits, his space in Sai Yin Pun, has been a breeding ground for audio-visual live performances, using an immersive array of projectors and a Funktion One sound system.

Drew Cappotto

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ALN Visuals

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